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Sunday, July 6, 2008

... the darndest things

We just spent a long 4th of July weekend in scenic Granville, VT. We stayed with the Spitzes at a log cabin. Here are some of the cute things uttered by Eli over the weekend.

On seeing the log cabin:
Eli: Our house is made of sticks!
Vivi: Is it a tree house?
Eli: No -- it's not up a tree, it's made of trees.

On the absence of a television:
Eli: Where's the TV?
Dad: There isn't one.
Eli: What do the people do?
Dad: They probably talk.
Eli: What do they talk about? TV?

Playing I-Spy on the ride home:
Mom: I spy something yellow.
after no correct answers, she offers the answer
The reflectors.
Eli: I knew it! What's a reflector?

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