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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy New Year

This year, we usher in the new year amidst a political campaign. I was very sure where I stood about a year ago -- things have gotten significantly fuzzier since then. I am at the point where I am a bit relieved to know that my vote doesn't count, as otherwise, I'd have a lot of thinking to do.

While I still find Obama to be overly arrogant, and more smarmy than charming, the campaign has reached that icky point where the bloom is off McCain's rose, too. At first, I was willing to accept Palin as his choice for VP (well, she's no less experienced than Obama and she's not running for President). Now I kind of have to agree with my MIT girl-friends when they assert that she is an insult to intelligent women everywhere.

Now, even my father is giving me propaganda from both sides (Jews for Obama, Jews against Obama -- how is a Jewish girl to decide?)

So, I enter the new year with no solid convictions, economic uncertainty (fear?), but a feeling of hope never the less. Happy new year to all of you.